Day 30 Inspired by a Tutorial – 31Challenge

Good Morning Lovelies 😀 As for all the days of the challenges, I research to find the funnest designs to use for each days of the challenge. As soon as I am done the first day’s mani I am already thinking for the next couple of days what can I do fun for the next days challenge; this day was no different. I searched on google “Nails Inspired by a Tutorial” and came across a Splatter Mani Tutorial. How Fun! I Haven’t done that yet!! I found this on The PolishAholic’s Blog.

For this challenge, I used “Julep – Kelly”  for a base, “Orly – Lucky Duck” and “Essie – Vermillionaire” for the splatters. I followed The PolishAholic’s Tutorial that was super easy to follow, Fabulous! and can be found here.

I painted by base coat, which unfortunately requires two coats, I have found that the Juleps don’t dry as quickly, which is why I say unfortunately. I then took my green and orange and made about two drops of each onto a paper plate. Per the tutorial I used my straw and blew into the opposite end to make the splatters.

I absolutely love this mani and how cute it came out. It was to great to have come across such an easy tutorial to follow 😀

Here are my pics below:

So on a side note / rant… I was kind of upset at how some came out, I loved my thumbs the best how there were little tiny splatters. I liked the little splatters the best; but then I thought about it, and if you splattered paint on the ground the “real” way with a paint brush, you are going to get those big splatters too. I came to love the rest of the nails 😀 Hope you enjoy them too!

+ Click on any picture to Enlarge +

* ~ * As Always, Thanks for Stopping by, Don’t forget to leave some love * ~ *

18 thoughts on “Day 30 Inspired by a Tutorial – 31Challenge

  1. I really want to try this but I’m worried about the mess – was it really messy or did it remain civilised?

    Nice mani though! Totally love those colours – I don’t know if its just my screen but the green kinda looks blue and it totally reminds me of Irn Bru!


    • It definetly looks blue in thesepics its like a blue green with one coat, and on top of this base color..
      Regarding the cvilization….heh not much is civilised with me. lol no but honestly I didn’t get it everywhere like I thought I did. I tried to stay on top of the paper plate, and I normally do my nails on my couch, I know bad move.. but I only got one splatter… SHH I cleaned it up hehe


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